
Black Ivory Coffee is the world's rarest and most expensive coffee. Taking 10 years to develop in three countries, the finest Arabica coffee cherries have been naturally refined by elephants. We are the creator and sole producer of this artisanal process.


Allocation is primarily reserved for top five star hotels. However, a small quantity of Black Ivory Coffee is on offer. 


Why Black Ivory Coffee is unique: 

  • 2023 Vintage of 225 kg
  • Requires 33 kg of coffee cherries to make 1 kg of coffee
  • Naturally refined by elephants and made from 100% Thai Arabica coffee beans
  • Brewed in a machine whose design dates back to 1840's France
  • Provides valuable income generation for local elephant owning families in North-Eastern Thailand as well as in support of rescued elephants at the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation
  • The world's most memorable coffee drinking experience